Understanding of Genres
Understanding of Genres The artist is dressed in colourful shiny clothing, this links to the codes and conventions of a pop song music video as the song is created with intention of becoming popular, having an artist in appealing clothing, dressed nice, would make the music video popular as the audience knows that there has been an effort that has been put in. The artist 'the weekend' looks happy throughout the music video, this is due to the fact that comedies are supposed to be enjoyable and happy and the audience needs to believe that the artist is enjoying what he is singing. The artist in this specific music video has made face modifications which goes somewhat against the codes and conventions of a pop song. although this is the case, this extreme look the artist has chosen causes a lot of attention to the music video, artists do this kind of thing a lot, they do something extreme for views and for attention, and this would usually be initiated by the industry, with pure...
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