

'The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.' (google definition)

Representation is vital in the music industry, the industry needs to portray different social groups, different areas and different types of people in a respectful way, balancing the correct amount of positive representation and negative representation. 
This would prevent social groups from being represented in incorrect ways as well as prevent a negative response from the public once a music video has been published.

Representation isn't just social groups, representation is the way people are portrayed, whether its the LGBTQ+ community or different races from all aspects of life, it needs to be controlled and regulated to demonstrate an evolving, equal society

Representation comes under these subheadings
  • AGE 


Gender is a great issue in the industry, men have been represented as all-powerful compared to women who are less powerful. 

We are in a world where we need to break gender roles, the father being the breadwinner and the mother cooking and cleaning the house.

These are false representations and stereotypes.

The media must represent these gender roles in a positive light, embracing all the different genders in the world, therefore, leading to a decrease in hatred and the new generations having these negative thoughts and beliefs.


Ethnicity is a key example of negative representation in the industry in history. In the past, people of colour were looked at as weaker, and lower down in society. 

This had to change as we are all equal and the media had to show this and represent these ethnicities, showing that we are all equal no matter how we look. 

This is a great example of representation.

The artist is represented as a powerful and independent black woman.

This goes against stereotypes that women are less powerful and independent than men, and it also goes against ethnicity stereotypes.

This would not only benefit the artist but it would benefit the public as they would agree with the point Megan Thee Stallion is trying to make which would inevitably increase views which would increase profit in the industry.

This would therefore link back to Curran and Seatons Profit and Power theory as it always links back to that. Representation is vital not only to get viewpoints across but also for the public respect and loyalty which therefore leads to an increase in profits.

Stuart Hall suggested that media texts contain a variety of messages that are encoded by producers and then decoded by audiences. Therefore what we see is simply a 're-presentation' of what producers want us to see.

Gauntlett believes that while everyone is an individual, people tend to exist within larger groups who are similar to them
