

In our piece, I focussed on the lighting. I used multiple different techniques to make sure our piece looked as perfect as possible. I did this in multiple different ways.

To start, I focussed on the lighting the narrator, oscar, had in the background. 

I chose oscar to dance and sing around blue lighting as I thought it captured the moment perfectly. The choice of lighting made the piece successful and created lots of meaning within.

All throughout the piece, Oscar sang with this blue lighting, although blue is usually associated with sadness, the music playing throught the background made the blue lighting successful and lifted the mood of the audience. The blue lighting also contrasts the narrative and creates a surreal feel to the piece. Oscar is also breaking the fourth wall which ensures that the audience knows that he is a performer, seperate to the storyline.

At the very start of the piece, I made the desigion to have everything black and white. This shows the mood and the dull morning feel of the piece. The start is set in Paris and before the French man meets the English girl, this therefore shows that the French man is having a normal, boring morning.

As the music starts to play, I decided to have the background go from black and white, to colour. This shows the audience that light is entering the French mans life, and tells the audience that something positive will happen to the French man that will change his life.

Although these changes may seem minor, they played a huge role in the success of the piece.

Although i changed the colour from black and white to full colour. I decided to desaturate the piece as I wanted to have a retro feel to the piece. This shows 'young love' and would have a positive affect on the audience.

To conclude this, I made adjustments throughout my music video to ensure accuracy and presionallism, this will be demonstrated through my music video.


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