Directing Actors

Directing Actors

Another one of my roles in producing the music video was directing actors. 

This means that I had a huge say in what the actors did and how the actors acted.

I focussed on these specific points 

  • Facial Expressions
  • Body Expressions
  • Actor Movement
Basically, I am going to work on everything the actors should do to successfully create a music video.

Here are a few examples of what my role included.

In this clip, you can see both actors, with their arms around each other to create the effect. 

This caused the viewers to see the love these two individuals have, therefore adding to the plot. 

Their facial expressions make them look as if they are really into the game that they are playing, therefore, showing that they have passion for not only the game but for each other.

In this clip, we can see both actors walking down a long street coming up to Buckingham Palace. 

As the man is a tourist, I got him to point around, this, therefore, made it seem to the viewers that the man is very interested in the scenery, therefore, showing the passion he has for the area.

In this clip, we can see the two actors watching a magician in Covent Garden. 

The look on the actor's faces clearly shows their enjoyment and attitude to the magic, the love and the area they are in. 

We can see the man's arm around the girl, which shows affection and love which would further adds to the romantic feel of the music video.

In this clip, we can see a direct shot of the man, laughing at the girl who is not in a shot at the moment. We can see the pure enjoyment in the man's eyes with his facial expressions. The man in this clip is clearly expressing himself as being extremely happy as we can see the man smiling with his teeth on show. Not only does this show the man's enjoyment, it tells the viewers that the man is happy with the girl and that he is excited to explore London with her.

To conclude, as you can see, my role had a significant impact on the music video. Although these are only a few examples of what I did, hopefully, it clearly demonstrates what I did throughout the filming process.


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