


In year 12 my group and I created a thriller opening which aimed to create tension and suspense. We created an opening called ‘The Mask’ which was about a pub shooting, using a pub in Highgate with the bar and the toilets featuring, we also used Alexandra Palace during filming which highly suited our piece.

Tension was created in the scene especially at the ending when it was revealed to the audience that the shooter was what seemed to be the protagonist throughout. This plot twist would not only create tension but created a larger audience range.

I enjoyed this very much, especially the sound editing of this piece which was my task. I enjoyed adding in key sounds and effects which heavily impacted the tension and suspense within the piece.

I found learning the new software difficult at the start although as I practised and learnt my way around these applications, I started to get used to them and it became a lot less challenging.

If I had to give myself advice for the future I would say I need to learn more about digital platforms before and I wish I had learnt properly to pan and zoom in premier pro and had a better understanding of how to manipulate sound beforehand, so when It got to the editing, I would have been able to get started straight away and not have to learn as I go.

My aim for year 13 is to create my music video blog in a very creative way, I want to learn and practice software before it comes to filming the music video and I want to research different genres of music, meaning I will have a better understanding of the genre and the editing needed to create that.

I would like to develop skills with platforms such as Adobe Audition and Garage Band and also create higher skills with Adobe Premier and IMovie. This would make it much easier for me to successfully create a Music Video popular to the time period.


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